Monday, January 4, 2010

Pros And Cons Of The Morning After Pill What Are The PROS And CONS Of Each?

What are the PROS and CONS of each? - pros and cons of the morning after pill

OK, let's say you are a student between the ages of 22 and his partner is 19 years of 20 August, but mature for his age, sex, condom broke and pregnant.

What not to say the pros and cons that one parent was born after the baby?

What not to say the pros and cons, that is a parent until the child is too small?

What are the pros and cons, not telling the whole world?


What are the pros and cons and what to look for you when you say she is not pregnant with his child and engage with them at all, unless you want?

And not every kind of abortion is murder (including the "morning-after pill")


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