Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Parkinsons Disease More Condition_symptoms What Are 3 Common Factors In People Without Parkinsons Disease?

What are 3 common factors in people without parkinsons disease? - parkinsons disease more condition_symptoms

Several factors are more common in people without Parkinson's disease and may even protect against disease. What are the 3 factors and why they appear to protect people?


Rebecca said...

Good research shows that most do not smoke or drink, but I like it because most people who do not smoke or drink together with any other disease. These things do, only much more sensitive to everything that is not only Parkinson's.

I can name at least one thing. The levels of dopamine in the brain. Few people know this, but Parkinson's disease is actually the opposite of schizophrenia. Parkinson's occurs when dopamine levels are very low ... Schizophrenia occurs in dopamine levels are high. So when the variation is the dopamine levels in Parkinson Family at higher risk. Schizophrenics who take too much medication to lower their rate of production of the muscle ticks, including Parkinson's ... and reducing people who use drugs for Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease and manage their ticks, their prices begin to see things and hear that not really exist.

lancaste... said...


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