Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dental Implants Manila Can Dental Implants Be Used To Replace 1st And 2nd Molars?

Can dental implants be used to replace 1st and 2nd molars? - dental implants manila

The dentist I saw said it was difficult to place dental implants in the back of the mouth, 2 including the molars He said the reason there is less bone in the back of the mouth. Is there a way around this? Dental implants are successful in the 1 and 2 Molar areas of the mouth are often made? I have two molars on the 2nd the top right and bottom left, which may require eventually replaced by implants.


Bouncing... said...

On the upper back, there is often a thin layer of bone, the teeth were removed because it is a bubble in the bone called his chest.

Sometimes surgery is needed for bone to grow in this area. before the implants can be placed.

Normally, the child is not a problem of the jaw, because there are no air bubbles in it (that's the sinuses of the nose get in touch) are, however, if you can be a very thin layer of bone is very difficult.

If there is a way to have the teeth that instead save! it would be much cheaper for a start and bone, no matter what happens.

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